Showing: 11 - 15 of 15 RESULTS


Collection and appreciation of multi-form Cyberpunk & Steampunk works; Presentation of the creative process of Cyberpunk & Steampunk works.

Type Scene

The book Type Scene delves into concepts and creative process of type design customized for event publicity. 48 fascinating event visual designs with extraordinary heading typography are selected from performances, exhibitions, campaigns around the world.
1: 旧电影海报中的字体设计;
2: 与专业创意团队的对话,探讨字体设计的逻辑创意;
3: 48个来自世界各地的标题字体艺术设计的深入创意解析。


We started from the idea of “Open the package”, through a way disassembling step by step, with both images and texts to show the audience how a package comes into being, after a link of Request, Solution, Idea&Concept, Graphic design, Scheme of color, material or finishes, Cost, and so on.


Originality In Japanese Layout Design

The creative Japanese layout book, “Readable at a Glance”, provides in-depth analysis and interpretation of 100 selected works with creative thinking and design methods through direct communication from well-known designers in Japan.

“一眼就能看懂”的日本版式创意书,通过与日本当下知名的设计师直接沟通,对 100 个精选的作品进行创意思维和设计方法两个方面的深入分析解读。从而让读者能够更加直观有效地去理解和学习到日本设计师的创意和技法。

Mind Map Of Illustration

Starting from the editing ideas of “Mind Map”, we invited 15 well-known first-line popular illustrators to share with readers their creative thinking process and method skills in creating illustrations.

我们从“思维导图”的编辑思路出发,特邀15 位知名的一线人气插画师来向读者分享他们在创作插画作品是的思维创意过程以及方法技巧。