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Hi! Printing Technology: Foil Stamping

Hi! Printing Technology: Foil Stamping is a detailed book of the printing process, aiming to solve the practical needs of the graphic designers.
This book will systematically introduce to readers the diversity, effects, and using methods of various printing processes or materials.
The biggest feature is that we will combine the actual processes and material samples to present real design effects to readers.

Behind the Scenes 大片幕后

In the book, we will show readers different photo shootting ideas and methods in all respect, including choosing lighting devices and using the light in different ways, helping readers to create a series unforgetable merchandise photos. 这是一本从入门到进阶的商业产品摄影书,分为人造光的把控、创意场景的布置技巧、商业摄影案例解析,以及知名摄影师的摄影集这四大章节,从布光器材的选配与不同的布光方法,全方位教会读者如何在摄影中玩转创意,利用“光”来拍摄出令人一眼难忘的产品图。

Tune of Darkness 暗夜之歌

Whether realistic or abstract artworks, line, as the most fundamental element in the painting, has the power to simply and directly express one’s feelings and emotions. In Line Drawing In Dark Stories, we will gather talented artists from all over the world together to showcase their awesome and impressive dark illustrations, hoping to let more and more people catch on to the charm of the dark art and, find out those stunning forgotten masterpieces. 在本书中,我们邀请了来自全球各地的才华横溢的艺术家,在《暗夜之歌——艺术畅想集》中展示他们那些美得让人窒息的“暗夜”风格线条画,希望能让更多人觉察到黑白艺术的魅力,发现那些被遗忘的杰作。

Grotesque Art 怪诞派

Grotesque Art is positioned as non-mainstream artists in the long line of art. These artists had unique styles and characteristics, even some of them were out of place, alternative and weird. They were either known for their whimsical imagination or their dark and terrifying atmosphere. They kept a distance from the mainstream artistic aesthetic vision of the public, but they are always memorable and irresistible. 怪诞派定位于艺术长河中的非主流艺术家们。并不是说他们的地位非主流,而是这些艺术家们都拥有与众不同的风格与特点,甚至有些偏门、另类和怪异。他们或以异想天开的想象力见长,或以黑暗恐怖的氛围著称,总之都与大众主流的艺术审美眼光保持着距离,但却总让人过目不忘,欲罢不能。


This book is a printmaking tutorial book. From the selection of tools to the production of interesting prints to rubber stamps using different materials, the book is divided into three chapters: basic process, prints, and rubber stamps. The themes cover animals, plants, architecture, festivals and small living things.

Fun Facts about the Fruits and Vegetables

The book uses 24 solar terms as a clue to sort out 92 kinds of table vegetables and fruits, and show readers the taste, characteristics, evolution and spread of interesting stories of each kind of vegetables and fruits through interesting texts quoted from the classics. Combined with the presentation of professional photography and illustration, it increases the artistry of the book, allowing readers to experience the beauty of art while watching it easily, and ensuring the authenticity of popular science.

The Origin of Fantasy Creatures 怪物起源

This book is not a theoretical reading which is full of references and details. We don’t think that with our limited knowledge we can make a clear defination and trace to the origin of every monster. What we want to do is to introduce the trail of these monsters left in the human stories, through the combination of copyright-free images and a witty narrative way. Specially, the book is expected to include a certain amount of digital 3D works corresponding to every species of monster, to show how these creatures in legends evolved more fashionable features under modern technology.

这里是长江 这里是黄河

The endlessly turbulent Yangtze and Yellow Rivers are mother river of the Chinese and the cradle of Chinese civilization. This book not only draws the beautiful natural ecology of the two rivers, but also highlights the civilization and cultural value that they nurtured.

New Waves of European Graphic Design

New Waves of European Graphic displays the excellent works of designers from Europe. The form of projects included in the book are mainly physical materials, including posters, album cover, books, magazines, leaflets, cards, etc. The text focuses on the designer’s creative concept, design methods and ideas, materials and print finishes and other relative information. It will analyze in detail for the readers about the uniqueness of 60 European graphic designs from creativity to realization.

Color Genius 天才配色

Based on the essential color theory and color psychology, 18 appealing color scheme references are sorted out, which are logically analyzed and presented by data charts such as radar and percentage, to find out the reasons for the psychological effects triggered by colors. Here, more than 45 amazing visual designs from all over the world are displayed in 7 color themes, and 10 internationally outstanding designers and art directors shared their color application approaches, helping readers to unlock more color scheme ideas and get tricks to break the mediocre design style.
本书从基础的色彩原理、色彩心理学出发,整理出 18 组让人过目难忘的配色参考,并透过雷达图、占比图等数据图表,逻辑推导由色彩所引发的心理感受的成因;与此同时,以七大配色主题分类展示超过 45 个来自世界各地的精彩设计案例,更与 10 位国际知名设计师对话,全方位探讨他们的用色法则,希望读者能通过此书疏通配色思路,从而激发出更多配色灵感,获得打破平庸设计的诀窍。