Behind The Scenes:tips&making process of creativephotography
Size: 215 mm x 280 mm
Binding: square end corner + live spine + hardcover / 方脊活脊精装
Cover: gold stamping / 烫金
Pages: 224
Language: Simplified Chinese / 简体中文
Behind the scenes is a guide to teach you how to become a master photographer of taking merchandise photos. This book includes four charpters: 1.How to handle artificial light 2.How to set up a creative background 3. Case studies of merchandise photos 4. Porfolio of well-known photographers.
In the book, we will show readers different photo shootting ideas and methods in all respect, including choosing lighting devices and using the light in different ways, helping readers to create a series unforgetable merchandise photos.
There are many intuitive case studies in the book: readers can find the equipment parameter and lighting diagram on the side of each case study photos. Further more, in each case study, there is a explaination of the background setting and shooting idea from the photographer. So, no matter you are a beginner or a professional, you can be enlightened and inspired from this book.