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Grotesque Art 怪诞派

Grotesque Art is positioned as non-mainstream artists in the long line of art. These artists had unique styles and characteristics, even some of them were out of place, alternative and weird. They were either known for their whimsical imagination or their dark and terrifying atmosphere. They kept a distance from the mainstream artistic aesthetic vision of the public, but they are always memorable and irresistible. 怪诞派定位于艺术长河中的非主流艺术家们。并不是说他们的地位非主流,而是这些艺术家们都拥有与众不同的风格与特点,甚至有些偏门、另类和怪异。他们或以异想天开的想象力见长,或以黑暗恐怖的氛围著称,总之都与大众主流的艺术审美眼光保持着距离,但却总让人过目不忘,欲罢不能。